Protect your roof - and everything under it - with Capital City Savings Home Insurance.
Features include:
Monthly payment plans call 425-8188
A 1-800-810-2847 line for service and claims
Evening service to 8 p.m.
Quotes by phone
A range of plans available for all types of residences, including detached homes, townhouses, apartments, condominiums, mobile homes, seasonal dwellings and rental properties
You also may be eligible for the following discounts:
10% discount for claims-free
5% discount for new homes (10 years or less)
5% discount include in the base premium for local fire or burglar alarm
10% discount for burglar alarm to a central location
15% discount for mature owners
*Maximum 30% discount available on home insurance
For more information, or to receive a free, no-obligation quote on your insurance, call 425-8188 or toll free at 1-800-810-2847.